Random things I like

  • Drive In Theatre
  • The Farmer's Market
  • Pomeranians
  • Poker
  • Cowboy Boots
  • Holding Hands
  • Puzzles
  • Thrift Shops
  • Old Things
  • Sushi
  • Purple Sand
  • Timepieces
  • Clothes Swaying On A Clothesline
  • Fresh Cut Grass
  • Sunsets
  • Birds
  • Stillettos
  • Buffets
  • Mariachi Music
  • Chocolate


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Alexis sings the Climb Santa Maria

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

School is coooool

Last week, my hubby and I started college courses. We may not be the oldest prunes in the box, but we aren't the freshest grapes in the bunch either. I refer to ourselves as"fruit", well because we've been told that we must be crazy to attempt full time higher education. Since we both have jobs, raising 6 daughters, and are actively involved in our church. But honestly, we're not crazy. Just focused. We both realize we've taken on a lot as a couple,a family, and of course, as individuals. However, we've agreed to take it one day at time, one class, and one assignment at a time. We are on a mission to show our girls that if you are intentional with your time and efforts, you can accomplish your goals and reach your dreams. I'll keep you posted!
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Makeover :)

I'm afraid to admit it, but I'm borderline frumpy...How glamorous can a mom of six be? I'm not talking about Reality TV moms with cleaning ladies, nannies, and personal trainers. I'm talking about a regular stay at home mom who cooks, cleans and chauffeurs all day.
Am I still supposed to keep my weekly mani/pedi appointment or do facials at Macy's once a month? What about hair? How am I supposed to keep up with the latest styles let alone afford them? Something has to be done! I don't like frumpy. IT'S NOT ME. But it is.
I'm busy. And tired. And my appearance is not the priority of my life. I always have good intentions about taking care of my hair or nails or getting something feminine "done", but I never get around to it. I should start waxing. I should bleach my 'stache. I should go tanning...wait, scratch that, I really don't want skin cancer. Hey, what about Botox? I've got some gnarly creases in the middle of my forehead and around my lips. Maybe that one little injection will satisfy the girl in me? Only one way to find out ;) ♥M

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mom, Me, & A.D.D.

I've been thinking...A.D.D. must be genetic. My mother, God bless her, is so random and all over the place. If you ever get the chance to have a conversation with her, she will take you on an unbelievable ride. You will have to strain your brain and pay very close attention to get what she is trying to say. Sometimes she will be telling 5 different stories to 5 different people all at the same time, and sometimes no point will ever be made.
I love my mother, please don't think I am being rude.
Because suddenly it's dawned on me, I am exactly the same way. I can be thinking 12,000 concurrent thoughts. I can hold 10 conversations with 10 different people, take a break, and remember where I left off.
I know other people notice this chemical imbalance taking place in the center of my head. Here's a list of a few adjectives that have been used to describe me: "zany" "quirky" "weird", and oh yeah, my favorite: "crazy".
On the flip side, there are a few good things about A.D.D.
For example, my mother is a Master Multi-tasker. That woman can do the dishes, mop the floor, wash the car, and paint the house all at the same time. And every task will be 110%. No joke.
I haven't gotten to the level yet, but in time, I will. I can only do the dishes, mop the floor, and wash the car...still having trouble painting the house. ♥M

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Job Interview

I have been a stay at home wife and mom for the last 3 years. I can not believe how quickly the time has passed. And I can not believe how much hard work this has been. There was a time when I worked really crazy long hours in a very unhealthy environment doing manual labor in the freezing cold or hellish heat. And still, living the life of a stay at home mom is much more challenging. Don't believe the people who say "it must be nice, to sleep in late, watch TV, and eat BonBons all day." Uh, yeah, that is so not my day. Try taking care of 7 other people and their every need. Someone is constantly needing something from you. Someone needs help with something. Homework, essays, rides to school, doctors, and soccer practice, a costume made before tomorrow for a school play, their hair combed for crazy hair day, not to mention food and water. Don't think I am complaining because I am not. I am only stating facts. Raising a family is hard work. It never ends. There is never a time when I "clock-out". Nope, it's a constant stream of giving and trying really hard to remain calm or to be patient when no one in the house can understand your 11 grader's Calculus homework. Before I was a stay at home mom, work was hard, but it was also a "getaway". I looked forward to it. So now that the baby is 2 and a half, I think it's time to go on vacation. Or, look for a job. Since my 6 month employment search, I have only been able to land a single interview. Can you believe that?! Anyhow, yesterday, the day of the interview, was grueling! I was so nervous! There were 3 very nice ladies who were holding the interview for a Youth Community Outreach Worker. The questions they asked were very basic, nothing too difficult, but I felt like I was in a fog. I had forgotten how to speak like an adult. Most of my days are spent listening to Dora and Elmo, so when asked "why do you want this job?" I answered "me like work, ha ha ha ha ha"♥M

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Phatty McPhat Phat...

A little irritated with myself! I went on a mission about a year and a half ago to lose weight and get into shape. I lost about 50 lbs. Yay me, right? WRONG.
I've gained 26 lbs. back. This is so irritating. I have no one else to blame but myself.
I slacked off. A lot. I let too many days pass by with no exercise. I "rewarded" myself with chocolate too many times. So now here I am, back to square ONE!
I worked really hard to lose the weight and it took me a really long time to do it.
But within a few short months, I'm back to wearing my fat pants and sweatshirts to cover up the jelly rolls around my waist. I just Googled "the fastest way to lose weight"...and everything I read, I already know. Drink more water. Start a journal, exercise, make a goal, yada, yada, yada.
Yes, Jillian Michaels, I know I am overweight and I probably do need to buy your weight loss program. But I'm broke and unmotivated. I'm mad. I just want to hide behind my bathrobe.
I want to wake up 40 lbs. lighter. I am such a dreamer.
Okay, now that I got that out of my system, I will drink more water. I will exercise. I will start a food journal, and finally I will make a goal. Let's be real, this will not be easy.
But I've got to start somewhere. So here I go...Day 1 starts NOW.

Thursday, August 12, 2010